‘‘Shifting Sands’’
As daring as he is, every explorer uses a compass, a compass or a star to accompany his journey into the unknown. When asked what is his favorite navigation tool, the one that allows him to both find his bearings and move forward, Avishai Cohen, whose reputation as an adventurous musician is well established, answers without hesitation: he is about his double-bass-piano-drums Trio. A timeless and evolving work tool that serves as a guide as much as a horizon line, a founding base as well as a driving force; so much so that he never saw fit to move away from it, and even less to part with it.
With “Shifting Sands”, Avishai Cohen returns to the jazz trio and makes a comeback with a dazzling formation: Elchin Shirinov, still on the piano and, on drums, the arrival of the young Roni Kaspi, an exceptional musician who has joined the group on tour in the summer of 2021. But as always with him, what seems to be a return to basics above all carries the promise of a departure: if the Israeli composer and double bass player recaptures the baggage of experience, it is to better take off and set off to conquer virgin lands. This new album “Shifting Sands”, recorded in August 2021 and which will be released in May 2022 on the naïve label, revives the very special alchemy that makes the charm of Avishai Cohen’s music: main melodic lines, rhythms diverse and sought-after and a particular musical elegance that belongs only to him.
Avishai Cohen double bass, voice
Elchin Shirinov piano
Roni Kaspi drums
More info here